
作者:佚名    发布于:2018年04月25日
摘要:科学家发现了一种蛋白质,可以帮助癌症患者体内的 T 细胞精准的进入受损组织,杀死癌细胞。   T 细胞是什么呢?它是由身体产生的白细胞,是我们免疫系统的基础。成熟的 T 细胞经血流分布至外周免疫器官的胸腺依赖区定居,并可经淋巴管、外周血和组织液等进行再循环,发挥细胞免疫及免疫调节等功能。看来,它是保护我们的好细胞。

科学家发现了一种蛋白质多肽,可以帮助癌症患者体内的 T 细胞精准的进入受损组织,杀死癌细胞。

  T 细胞是什么呢?它是由身体产生的白细胞,是我们免疫系统的基础。成熟的 T 细胞经血流分布至外周免疫器官的胸腺依赖区定居,并可经淋巴管、外周血和组织液等进行再循环,发挥细胞免疫及免疫调节等功能。看来,它是保护我们的好细胞。

现在,免疫疗法是癌症治疗的新革命,癌症免疫疗法依靠一种叫做 CD8 + t 的细胞,它是一种特殊的的 T 细胞,专门破坏肿瘤和其他病毒感染的细胞。

  CD8+T 细胞能杀伤表达抗原的靶细胞,它在抗毒感染、急性同种异型移植物排斥和对肿瘤细胞的杀伤作用中充当重要的效应细胞。

科学家们采用了一种叫做收养细胞转移(adoptive cell transfer)的方法来操控人体自然防御,他们提取病人的 T 细胞,通过基因改造让这些 T 细胞锁定标记癌细胞的特定蛋白质,然后再将 T 细胞注射回病人体内。

  就目前来说,这种疗法只对部分癌症有效,比如血癌。但对有实体肿瘤的癌症效果并不明显。解决这一难题的关键一步就是,如何将 T 细胞直接引入到特定受损组织。

  加州大学圣地亚哥分校的一项新研究发现了一种蛋白质 Runx3,可以将 T 细胞引导到他们想要的位置。科学家在对动物模型试验后发现,Runx3 似乎可以引导 T 细胞攻击实体肿瘤,动物体内的肿瘤生长速度延缓了,动物的存活期也延长了。

  科学家解释说:“Runx3 在 T 细胞内的染色体上工作,以使 T 细胞的数量在实体肿瘤中越积越多。如果增强细胞内 Runx3 的活跃性,肿瘤就会明显变小,肿瘤的存活率也会降低“。

  科学家表示,这一发现为癌症治疗找到了新路径,可以让 T 细胞杀死癌细胞变得更容易。


Scientists have discovered a protein that helps T cells in cancer patients enter the damaged tissue accurately and kill cancer cells.

What is T cell? It is the white blood cells produced by the body, and is the foundation of our immune system. The mature T cells are located in the thymus dependent region of the peripheral immune organs, and can be recirculated through the lymphatic tube, peripheral blood and tissue fluid, and the functions of cellular immunity and immunomodulation are played. It looks like it's a good cell to protect us.

Now, immunotherapy is a new revolution in cancer treatment. Cancer immunotherapy relies on a cell called CD8 + T, a special T cell that specializes in cancer and other virus infected cells.

CD8+T cells can kill target cells that express antigen. It acts as an important effector cell in antivirus infection, acute allograft rejection and the killing effect of tumor cells.

Scientists have used a method called adoptive cell transfer to manipulate human natural defense. They extract the patient's T cells, and the T cells are genetically modified to lock the specific protein of the cancer cells and then the T cells are injected into the patient's body.

For now, this therapy is only effective for some cancers, such as blood cancer. But for solid tumors, the effect is not obvious. The key step to solve this problem is how to directly introduce T cells into specific damaged tissues.

A new University of California at San Diego study has found a protein Runx3 that can guide T cells to the location they want. In animal model experiments, scientists found that Runx3 seems to lead T cells to attack solid tumors. The growth rate of tumors in animals is delayed, and the survival time of animals is prolonged.

The scientists explained: "Runx3 works on chromosomes in T cells to increase the number of T cells in solid tumors. If Runx3 activity is enhanced, the tumor will become smaller and the survival rate of the tumor will also decrease.

Scientists say the discovery has found a new way for cancer treatment, making it easier for T cells to kill cancer cells.

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